The voting system uses web3 technologies to gate the vote to those who are proven to be Londoners. This stops outside parties from changing the results away from the true consensus.
All Londoners are invited to vote. They will be asked to prove they are a Londoner by turning up to one of the citizens assemblies, or through social validation from the Factory Labs team of helpers.
The vote begins with a submission phase. Here, Londoners are invited to share an issue that they care about e.g. Cost of Living. These suggestions are compiled into a feed, where they will be voted on by the group to sort by perceived importance.

The top 12-15 issues will be pushed to the final vote where every voter will have a budget of voting credits to spend.
Voters will spend their voting credits on the issues that they care about. There is an increasing cost to vote on each issue. This limits the “strongly agree / disagree on everything” effect we see in conventional survey design and promotes people to rebalance their opinions relative to all the other issues.
At the end of the vote, everyone is asked to provide their detailed opinions on why they care about those issues. They do this by providing natural language responses in a series of text boxes.

The result is a sorted list of issues generated by a broad consensus from the voting community attached to a body of language data that can be used to train an AI.