A Democratic AI Experiment

We Believe in Democracy.
We Believe the People of London Should be Heard.
We believe that democracy should be an inclusive and collaborative process where every member of society is able to make their voice heard.
London Voice is the world's first democratically built AI that:
Is designed to understand and represent the diverse voices of London
Makes proposals for improvements based on solutions people have suggested
Allows people to own, control and monetise their data
Provides deep insights into issues that
people really care about

Join Us
Meetups in London & Online
Our goal is to build a truly emergent consensus from the people of London generated from bias free discourse. We invite all citizens, journalists and policy makers to join us in this first of a kind experiment to generate a voice of a community that can be shaped by the community itself.

What is London Voice?
The goal of London Voice is to build new systems for representation and governance. We believe that the basis for a strong democracy is high quality information about the issues people actually care about.
London Voice will synthesise human voices and technology, using the latest emerging technologies and participatory research methodologies to build a data set of sense-making and dialogue that we think could inform civic decision makers of all kinds.
Join us in our experiment and help us build a better, more democratic society.

The Year of Democracy
This year the majority of the world will vote in elections. The problem is that our current systems provide limited opportunities for real people to share their opinions on the issues they experience.
Good decision making is driven by a deep understanding of local context. We believe that the distance between decision makers and that context is the root of political disenfranchisement.
We need a system that deepens our understanding of people's thoughts and issues, so that we can systematically improve our decision making.

A Decentralised Science Experiment
London VOICE is a new kind of science experiment, providing real communities with the opportunity to shape democratic discourse in a time where real context specific information has drifted away from communities and towards media channels and social media feeds that demonstrably distort reality.
Our goal is to populate a data set that is true to real demographics, while providing a safe space where people can share their opinions without prejudice. We will follow ethical data collection guidelines and consistently seek consent from the community for how their data is used.
We believe the future of AI is one in which data is ethically sourced and if it is monetised then people who provided it, should be rewarded for it. The data generated from our voting activity is open source, but the AI models we create could be very valuable. If they are, it will be because of the data that has gone into them and those people should own it.
Emerging Technology
Subject Matter
Ethical Data

How We Use Your Information